A Brief Product info Video
A Detailed Product Info Video (including sample recommendation file)
Our Product Portfolio
India Stock Ideas Pro Plan : This gives one complete year access to our Weekly recommendations.
India Stock Ideas Starting Plan : This gives access for three months to our Weekly recommendations.
India Stock Ideas Popular Plan : This gives access for Six months to our Weekly recommendations.
When you buy any of these plans, you will get access to download an excel file.
The excel file contains this information for top 20 stocks based on Overall rating of all stocks traded on BSE and NSE.
- The name of the company
- BSE Ticker Code
- NSE Symbol
- Industry it is in
- Current Market Price as on the date of Publishing
- Price that you should pay (This covers a margin of safety of 40%)
- Overall Rating (Out of a total of 100 points): This is a summation of all Individual Ratings
- Sales , Sales growth 5 Years and Sales Growth Rating
- Net Profit, Net Profit growth 5 years and Net Profit Rating
- Earnings per Share
- Operating Profit Margin, OP margin rating
- Net Profit Margin Last Year , Net Profit Margin Rating
- Net Profit Margin current Quarter , NPM Current Quarter Rating
- Dividend Yield and Dividend Yield Rating
- Price To Earnings and PE Rating
- Average Return on Equity 5 Years, and its rating
- Average Return on Equity 3 Years and its rating
- Debt to Equity and its rating
- Face Value
- Price to Book value and its rating.